Norman Willox

I. Introduction:  Norman Willox is presently CEO and Managing Partner of Bluewater International, LLC. BLuewater is one of our nations boutique high growth investment advisory firms focusing on Digital Information, and Cyber Risk Markets. For decades, Mr. Willox has been recognized as a global leader in the societal transformation from analog to digital information risk [...]

By |2022-03-08T10:51:01-06:00August 2nd, 2016|Comments Off on Norman Willox

Shelly Kamins

Sheldon B. (Shelly) Kamins advises on entrepreneurship, deal structuring, economic innovations, finance and on seizing nascent business opportunities. Mr. Kamins has enjoyed a diverse professional and business career and has volunteered with distinction in the realms of political activism and philanthropy. After graduating from the Georgetown law school in 1972, he entered the practice of [...]

By |2021-02-04T21:41:05-06:00February 22nd, 2016|Comments Off on Shelly Kamins

Gary Gordon

Dr. Gordon, a managing partner of Bluewater International, oversees our strategic client portfolio. He is responsible for strategic planning, client relationships, tactical delivery, and thought leadership. As one of our nation's leading security experts, he has developed first-of-a kind, innovative educational programs and training, conducted cutting-edge applied research to understand critical societal problems, and advised [...]

By |2021-02-04T21:42:31-06:00February 22nd, 2016|Comments Off on Gary Gordon

Norman Willox

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, INTELLIGENCE, RISK INFORMATION & CYBER RISK EXPERT Globally recognized information and cyber risk executive and analyst with over thirty years of experience actively developing, executing, and managing cutting-edge industry initiatives to solve severe societal challenges to shape domestic and international policy for government, financial service, health care, law enforcement, insurance, [...]

By |2021-02-04T21:38:20-06:00February 22nd, 2016|Comments Off on Norman Willox

Dave Willox

As Managing Partner with Bluewater PE, LLC, Dave Willox identifies investment opportunities, structures strategic growth plans, recruits executives and offers operational leadership as needed for portfolio companies. Mr. Willox brings a recognized expertise in new media, emerging technology, organizational communication and operational leadership. He maintains strong relationships in the public safety and homeland security industries [...]

By |2021-02-04T21:39:44-06:00February 18th, 2016|Comments Off on Dave Willox
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